
I do think it is concerning that people who have influence in the Singapore government school system look to American fundamentalism for thought leadership. It would be one thing if they kept their work, religion, and politics separate but they clearly don't.

I'm particularly frustrated by the way in which media literacy has become a platform for this education-religion-politics nexus. We could have done so much to digitally empower our young people and we just agreed to turn them into influencers and gig workers...

...because we didn't want to let them think they could really transform the conditions of their lives. Some of them are still trying - which is to their credit. But we have failed them and we continue to fail them.

Every digital literacy project that conceals, colludes with, or is oblivious of the education-religion-politics nexus only deepens the failure. I am not even sure that more research is the answer, if it is all located within the same structures of influence.

I am grateful to @sharanvkaur for her dedication to curating and archiving information on this topic. We aren't seeing it anywhere else & I think it is very important.

Sat Jun 25 03:02:24 +0000 2022