Brian Pacheco

For many years I struggled w addiction. I was successful at work & got promoted nearly every year. I’ve seen friends use drugs w/o issue. I’ve also seen loved ones struggle w addiction in ways that kept me up at night. Not once did I think any of us needed to be arrested.

As a teen, I called the cops on my dad once when he was actively using Cocaine. I didn’t know what to do and needed help. The cops came and told him to relax and left, clearly annoyed they were called. It’s not their job to help people struggling. And I just felt more alone.

Criminalization is not the answer to drug use. It’s not even helpful in it’s current context. It’s harmful and damaging when you consider we’re in an overdose crisis and criminalization has been the de facto response for 50+ years.

Instead of some elected leaders calling for more criminalization—more of the same—to address the very tragic overdose crisis, maybe (read:definitely) it’s time to invest in real, evidence-based health services, addiction services, and meaningful social and community supports.

And maybe instead of a teen having to call the cops on his dad, he can call a rapid response health agency with the skills and tools to actually help.

Sat Jul 23 12:58:22 +0000 2022