Hiroko Tabuchi

One food-based quibble I have here in America, even at Asian supermarkets/sites like HMart or @weee_official: all the mochi products are snacks or deserts, even tho mochi is so much more than that — you can put it in soups or grill it for eg (we love grilling w/ butter+shoyu) https://t.co/KZbx6fywNS

I often find that otherwise well-stocked Asian grocers don’t carry simple kirimochi like this https://t.co/6awVaWHAgt

Of course there are rice cakes like this which are like mochi https://t.co/ZYH0qYjx4z

As a kid I used to love watching mochi puff up on the grill — so fun 🥰

(clip from hone vlog on youtube) https://t.co/7Lxy7kjX82

Mochi is a big New Year’s staple in Japan — we have it for eg in ozoni, a mochi soup. And there are a ton of regional variations — in Tokyo the mochi tends to be rectangular and the soup clear, in Kansai (where I’m from) the mochi tends to be round and the soup miso-based https://t.co/ByiFE0nhfv

Another New Year’s favorite — oshiruko, or mochi in red bean soup. This *is* sweet and so delicious https://t.co/4FLCjQVb1o

Here’s a map of all the ozoni variations!

Being *not* from Tokyo in very Tokyo-centric Japan, I find regional variations in food, language, customs etc so fascinating — tho prob not of any interest to anyone who hasn’t lived in Japan 😅
https://t.co/HJf3ZkZaKm https://t.co/tjHTc8Z7nM

A running joke between my husband (who is from the Tokyo area) and me is, my hubby scoffs at everything not Tokyo — and I tell him off for being so elitist and blind and missing out

Yes! In fact as a cub reporter in Tokyo, a New Year’s staple (of a much grimmer kind) was writing news briefs about older people choking on their mochi — it can be fatal 🙈 https://t.co/oAigqJDBWL

In Itami Juzo’s gastronomical masterpiece Tampopo, there’s a dramatic scene in which an older gentleman chokes on the mochi in his oshiruko — and is rather hilariously saved by the deft use of a vacuum cleaner. (I wouldn’t try this at home tho.) https://t.co/ijyVNC3I8r

In this vein — mochi being introduced to America as ice cream dessert — tofu as a health food/protein alternative is an even bigger tragedy. Tofu is a delicacy of its own!

Tofu restaurants are among my favorite in Japan. Course after course of tofu cuisine..

Pics: Tofuya Ukai https://t.co/pVHa0cgdRa

Thanks for telling me about Ota Tofu, @james_roe! Looks amazing. https://t.co/JOSzlr47wa

I’ve tried making tofu at home here, and I found it pretty tricky. Far more so than say, natto. But freshly-made tofu is out of this world, definitely worth the effort.

And of course, tho I’ve focused on Japanese mochi and tofu, both are originally from the Asian mainland.

Soondubu Jjigae with soft silken tofu is a favorite Korean dish of ours https://t.co/zzSSC50g3a https://t.co/PYIZ6ehwhR

Back to mochi — everywhere in Japan around New Year’s, you’ll find Kagami-mochi, a decorative mochi that’s supposed to bring good luck. More on that here https://t.co/upKp7wDtgu https://t.co/wMPgFzysyb

And all around Japan, you’ll see New Year’s mochitsuki taikai, where the neighborhood gets together to pound mochi from steamed rice. Fond memories! https://t.co/pEusqVyfI2

Haha yes! According to Japanese folklore, there is a rabbit on the moon pounding mochi! The moon’s shadows looked like that to our ancestors, I guess. https://t.co/HsImSwfOaH https://t.co/E454f93qCK

Anyway, tho I tease my husband for his Tokyo centricness, it’s in jest and he’s actually a sweetheart — he learned to make amazing Kansai-style okonomiyaki, for example. In fact, it’s what we’re having tonight. Itadakimasu 🙏 https://t.co/0rAJHrF1zl

Interesting! 🐰 https://t.co/oGBxZulpHz

Mochi maker, wow — https://t.co/mXbcJaWeb3

How to help someone choking on mochi, courtesy of NHK. Slaps on the back/Heimlich maneuver = good, trying to dislodge the mochi with your fingers (or using a vacuum cleaner Tampopo style, presumably) = bad. Call an ambulance if all fails. https://t.co/412Cf3hdMd

This doctor actually says vacuum cleaners can be used to dislodge mochi as a last resort! But beware of causing further injury.. https://t.co/1II5H8GZ3Q

And now, our ozoni — so simple and good. https://t.co/5qDnXcJeot

Midnight oshiruko 🥢 https://t.co/lFTrvhYrG4

Sun Jan 02 02:54:39 +0000 2022