Jon Cryer

Surprised at the legs this tweet has.

I think my favorite are the smug “you just don’t understand what Elon is saying” replies from his fans.

For the record, I understand what he’s asking…

I’m just pointing out that his idea of unfettered “free speech” is simplistic and won’t work with an advertiser supported model.

Of course he’s free to do whatever he wants with Twitter. He’s just dumb if he expects advertisers to go along with him.

And the free speech he’s talking about has nothing to do with the 1st amendment which only guarantees that the gov’t won’t arrest you for what you say.

Apple isn’t “against free speech” if it doesn’t want its ads right next to white supremacist BS. And as for removing the Twitter app from the App Store.

Apple hasn’t said they are going to do that.

And no, I don’t like big tech monopolies either. I think the govt has to look at breaking some companies up. I’m glad there’s android and hundreds of companies making Android phones.

But again, even the “free speech” Elon is talking about has limits. He has his own standards he’s putting in place.

He’s said he is (quite correctly) going after child exploitation content. Good for him.

That’s his line in the sand.

But for some reason, Apple isn’t allowed to have their own line in the sand?

Maybe Apple’s line in the sand is homophobia.

Or white supremacy.

Or transphobia.

Or misogyny.

Maybe they’ll stop having any dealings with Twitter… or maybe they won’t. But either way it will be their “free speech”.

The same free speech Elon supposedly champions.

Thu Dec 01 03:44:31 +0000 2022