Philippe Etienne

The #SupremeCourt of the United States overturned #RoeVWade. Read here reactions in France to the decision and how our nation protects the fundamental right of women to get abortion ⤵️

Pres. #Macron explained that the right to an #abortion is a fundamental right for all women and expressed his solidarity with women in the #US.

@MinColonna In France, a woman has a right to an abortion on-demand until fourteen weeks. This means that, before that date, she does not have to prove a risk to herself or to her child to terminate. After fourteen weeks, an abortion is possible in extreme circumstances of severe risk.

@MinColonna Two appointments are needed to get an abortion, and the procedure is funded. Minors also have the right to an abortion, a fact especially important in cases of incest or rape.

@MinColonna Internationally, France is engaged for sexual, reproductive, maternal, child and adolescent health rights. Our definition of reproductive health includes that women have the capacity and the freedom to decide if and when to have children.

@MinColonna I end by pointing–as Min. for Equality @RomeIsabelle did–to Simone Veil. As an advocate for women's rights and French Minister for Health, Madame Veil championed our legalization of abortion in 1970's. Her work ensures that every French woman has the right to define her future.

Fri Jun 24 23:27:58 +0000 2022