Rachel McKibbens

My brother died of COVID on Monday. I've learned he left the hospital early, against doctor's recommendation. He never told me that part. He let me think he was getting better. For 9 days, I did what I could to help him. In the end, he died alone. I'm on another planet now. https://t.co/sPLMSKTlzW

I keep reaching for comfort in unlikely places. My brother believed COVID doesn't exist. He thought it was all a plot by doctors to get kickbacks from big pharma. He & my cousin managed to convince my dad of this, too. The following texts are from their final days:

These first three texts are from Oct 3. My dad & brother had persistent coughs + fever & reached out to our cousin, a nutritionist, who encouraged their anti-vaxx beliefs. https://t.co/4FaquNq2Yv

After attending a family member's funeral, my brother was certain they got infected by all the vaccinated family members. Our cousin mentioned his wife had a heavier period than normal & they believed it was from her working around vaxxed people. https://t.co/6UpiyjCdiY

After SIXTEEN MORE DAYS of these symptoms, the cousin sends this: https://t.co/xI9wKhYsBj

after suggesting they start taking probiotics, our cousin ponders why his own wife hasn't been inflicted by the "shedding" of vaxxed people. They discuss how this isn't COVID throughout dozens of texts, then say their illness is from vaxxed people...shedding COVID. https://t.co/4l12z9YiKs

Mon Nov 15 15:37:52 +0000 2021