Naomi Wu 机械妖姬

Good news everyone, it turns out that when the guy smashed the back of a woman's head with a stool it was all just a mutual understanding and really everyone's fault because he was drunk.

Glad we cleared that up, like the last dozen similar "misunderstandings".…

Gosh darn "misunderstandings" just keep happening.

She was probably drunk right? Why are Chinese women just provoking so many drunken misunderstandings these days?

This would actually be cause for some national reflection anyplace else, but we're too busy worrying about effeminate "sissy" men to talk about what a "sissy man" really is and why we keep making excuses for them.

If you want us to have more kids- maybe show women that shit like this will be taken seriously and not called a "domestic quarrel"?

Why aren't they being paraded on the news in chains? Because fundamentally, the powers that be don't have a problem with it.

Any ONE of these incidents would be news for weeks in any country that aspired to call itself civilized- here it's happening weekly and it's all deleted and explained away as "quarrels" and "misunderstandings". With no proof of severe consequences, what deterrent is there? It's…

Maybe when you insist the only valid lens to look at China through is the eye of white expats or diaspora who have not lived here in years and are getting their "insight" through censored social media you miss an awful lot about what is actually happening and what we are actually…

Mon May 22 00:45:59 +0000 2023