
In 2010, an Urbex went through some kind of old factory. I saved the images but have never been able to find out anything more about them.
Years later I still think about them and the mundane reality of key control for the average worker. https://t.co/ONW2xAU3wH

This was from an internet before the removal of EXIF. They were taken on 6/10/2010 on a Nikon D300. https://t.co/fjhqHP3eWH

Reminder that Twitter is actually one of the best photography social media venues and you can load very high resolution versions of photos via the "Load 4K" option if you press and hold an image. @NolanOBrien specifically worked to make that happen. 🙏 https://t.co/k1naPUTiRj

Technical details – if you use browser Twitter will even avoid transcoding the JPEG. Great for super quality images.
My one Twitter media want is WEBM support. https://twitter.com/NolanOBrien/status/1495484500310216716

Sat Sep 10 17:51:41 +0000 2022