Amir Etemadieh

Roughly 10 days ago I began to audit the @embermug Android apk. In the apk I noticed a S3 URL which when visited had a suspicious "Transfer/sample.backup" file. I downloaded the file & determined it was a PostgreSQL database that contained 100k rows of user data including...

password hashes and salts. After growing concerned about ember attempting to put the fault on me for the finding, or to possibly silence me with their legal team, I decided to contact someone who deals with data breaches regularly. I contacted @troyhunt because of his...

experience with database leaks/breaches but unfortunately never received a response to my twitter message. Afterwards, I contacted @briankrebs and have had a slow conversation attempting to receive some help contacting and working with ember. Luckily, in that period the file...

has been deleted, but I'm led to believe it was located on the server for a little over a year based on the modify date and last added data. Since the file has already been removed without my correspondence with them, and there is no longer a threat to the information,...

I'm publicly bringing the issue to light. I have no idea how many other users could have downloaded the data, and what @embermug's response will be. However, I do hope that ember will acknowledge and properly respond to the issue.

My apologies, I incorrectly used the twitter handle @embermug in this thread instead of Ember's actual twitter handle, @Ember_Tech.

Thu Apr 25 21:35:39 +0000 2019