Erin Hahn BUILT TO LAST 10/18!!

What they don’t tell you is teachers are told in training that they have to lock out any of their students who are out of the classroom, *out of the classroom*. Even if they beg and bang on the door. Because there could be a shooter using them to access your classroom.

I still have nightmares about having to do that.

I deleted this once and almost did again because I hesitate to add to the horror of today but tbh, teachers and children are facing this shit every day already.

Ya’ll I’m gonna have to mute this but I want to assure you I’m reading the comments bc it’s super fucking important to me that we are being heard.

I’ve had a few people comment that I should delete this bc it’s giving potential school shooters intel. I thought about that but I won’t delete and here’s why:

They’re doing it anyway. And if someone reads my tweet and goes “oh. No point in taking a student hostage, then…”

Well that’s a good thing. For decades now, teachers and students have been told to keep these precautions quiet bc we don’t want to arm delinquents with this intel. These shooters are teens. They are current or former students raised up on active shooter drills. THEY ALREADY KNOW

But older voters? They don’t know. People from other countries? They don’t understand. Homeschoolers? They might not be aware. So this is vitally important and I won’t be deleting today.

Wed May 25 12:31:02 +0000 2022