Andrea Geralds

Ok, I need to do a quick thread on why I am banging the drum so hard on the radicalization thing right now. 🧵
When this first started the shooters were almost exclusively white men. Las Vegas, Sandy Hook, high schools across the country. This really riled up the white middle

class community. This wasn't a new phenomenon though. Gun violence in minority or rural poverty stricken areas wasn't new. It's just that nobody in power cared.
Just like the "crack epidemic" was a crime spree but the opioid epidemic was a disease issue. Alcoholism is a

character flaw, but cocaine needs intervention. You guys get what I am saying here.
With the pushback against the gun violence, the people who wrote that propaganda are finding it hard to accomplish their objectives. It's my take they genuinely expected Trump to win or accomplish

his coup, or pop off a race war in Summer of 2020. He failed at all three because is a loser and so are the people who decided he was the guy. Losers. Giant losers who are losers of losing losers. Here's their flag. Every single time. Cause they are LOSERS.

anyway, instead they got Biden, and a Dem majority in both house and senate and people who are actively interfering with their messaging, propaganda, and to give credit where its due, Biden if nothing else, has done everything possible to prevent a civil war.
So these assholes

have to switch tactics. It's hard to run guns and meth when everyone is watching the guns. How do they do that?
Well the same way they always have. See, if more active shooters are Black men, or Latino men, suddenly white middle class America doesn't care anymore, I mean, we have

centuries of evidence of this fact. The conversation is shifted. Now instead of "mental health" its gonna be "violent crime waves in urban areas are sweeping the nation, vote GOP to save you" or "MS-15 is EVERYWHERE, a CARAVAN OMG!!!" right? Cause that is what happens every

single time.
As the enemy shifts, we shift with them
These are the same people who colonized nations, wiped out entire civilizations, slavers, Nazi's, apartheid building scum of the earth. To them, its a matter of nothing to do that.
To me, no child is expendable. No human

is expendable. I will not be sitting quietly watching this happen, so I need everyone to sort of focus on this reality for a minute.
Remember it was white supremacy that got us here, so you can't just say "oh, eh, not my problem anymore"
no human is expendable.
Do the job, stay

the course. Keep loving. Keep fighting. Keep your word. Hold the line. And we will walk away from this.

Fall back into old patterns and we won't. Now go out there and protect the kids in the minority communities as hard as you protect your own.
Love you. have a kiss😘 End

Thu Oct 20 04:51:42 +0000 2022