Jolovan Wham

Happening now: 1st day of trial between prosecutor and subhas nair: he faces 4 charges for sedition because he allegedly promoted ill will between the races for a rap video he and his sister did in response to MediaCorp's brown face ad, and other comments he made on social media.

The prosecution is arguing that any reasonable person including Subhas would have known that ill will would be created between different racial groups by the video and his other social media comments.

They further argue that there is "nothing wrong" with calling out racism as long as the criticism is "temperate and dignified"

In his statement to the police Subhas said that it was quite clear that the video was meant to be satirical. In response to whether Chinese people would be offended by the video, Subhas answer was that it would be a lazy reading if that was all they got out of it.

He also said that the video was comedic and others might have reacted in a way without the outlet that the video provided.

Another police officer has been called to the stand to give his statement but both the prosecutor and him are not speaking into their microphones so it's hard to hear what's being said.

The judge has found that the prosecution has made its case. He says Subhas has the option to give evidence and testify. If he decides not to give evidence, his silence can be used against him. Subhas is choosing to testify. Court in recess now.

Trial has resumed. Subhas is taking the stand: referring to the video done by some Christians referring to the lgbt community as satanic, he says it is "hate speech" as it was causing them harm. (This issue is brought up cos Subhas' comments about their video is deemed seditious

He added that it was important to "admonish" all forms of hate speech no matter how small the community was. He said he did not know that people would "take offence" or feel racial hatred or enmity " from seeing his comments.

In another post where he called out Chinese privilege, he said he wanted to call out media bias in their reportage, and it was not meant to be seditious.

Subhas said that he felt vilified by media portrayals of him and his sister of the k muthusamy video as there were headlines which "prejudged us" and there was no context reporting about the k muthusamy

Whereas in another post involving a Chinese person, their "humanity" was shown instead and showed them as contributing members of society.

With regard to the k muthusamy video, he said he and his sister wanted to convey that the nets e pay as featuring brownface was blatantly racist.

He used the phrase "fuck it up" in the video because he said it was "appropriate" and that the phrase was from a remix of the song from an Australian artist.

"Chinese people always fucking it up" in the vid was meant to convey that it was not the first time racist and brownface portrayals by the Chinese community. He clarified that he wasn't saying that Chinese people are not fucked up but that they were always making racist mistakes.

His intention was to call out racist Chinese people and that not all Chinese people are racist and not all racist people are Chinese. He also said it was also a call in to Chinese allies to say no to racism.

In the video, subhas also said "we have lost our holy days" and the message he intended to convey was that thaipusam was not considered a public holiday when it should be. He also said that at the last part of the vid, it was mentioned that "not all Chinese people are racist"

He reiterated that there was no intention to cause enmity, and ill will. He says art works can make people feel uncomfortable and racist people feel offended. He understood that some people might feel offended but the intention was not to offend.

"The k muthusamy was borne from a place of frustration and pain and creating it was part of the healing process."

The message we wanted to convey was that our work was not racist but that it spark dialogue and conversation and bring to light a lot of cracks in society. Since the video, there had not been cases of brown face and we have moved forward as a society.

Court is adjourned and will resume tomorrow morning.

Tue Mar 21 04:54:06 +0000 2023