John Scott-Railton

I can practically *feel* the coming uptick in scamming.

This is absolutely fine.

What could go wrong?

Real? Fake?

What honest signal do users have?

An uncountable number of accounts like this now.

Not to mention the Emergency Management Agencies.

The sheer recklessness of what Musk has done boggles my mind.

For every sector of officialdom, from federal all the way to towns Musk made a mess.

Replicated in every country around the world.

I'm picking national customs services at random to make the point.

Richest man in the world: I'll create chaos.

Then they'll have to pay me.

US public safety agencies are all over the map,

A good # of the biggest federal ones have a grey badge.

But the lower you go into regional offices, state & local, the worse it looks.

And situation is even more dire internationally.

Rich villain sowing global chaos to make everyone give them $$$ is the evil-scheme-that-always-splutters in so many great movies.

Because the near universal audience reaction is to want it to fail.


Given the scale of official accounts around the world stripped of verification today.

And those of elected & appointed officials.

And counting twitter's slashed global workforce.

It's safe to say that this totally avoidable chaos will be with us for a long time.

Ugh, the State Department's tipline, too.

Which offers rewards for tips about terror groups targeting the USA.

The stakes are not a joke.

Thu Apr 20 22:22:32 +0000 2023