Kirsten Han 韩俐颖

Today in Singapore, on my way home after an event, I was met at the MRT station by two police officers, who then got MRT staff to let us into a private (isolation?) room, just to hand me this letter summoning me for questioning re: "taking part in a public assembly w/o a permit".

They'd actually gone to my flat last night, but no one was home because I was at a reception hosted by the German embassy on the occasion of a visit to Singapore by the German federal president. So they had to find another time to meet and hand me the letter in person.

This morning, I got a call from the investigating officer again asking where I was and whether they could meet me. Apparently the letter *had* to be handed over to me in person. So I said I was at the mall by the MRT station, and they headed over right away.

I thought it'd be a 'pick up the letter and go' situation but it turned out that it needed to be done in private. Not sure what the SOP is; the first time I was called in for questioning in 2017 they came to the flat with a letter, but the second time in 2021 they just rang me...

Anyway, they didn't tell me exactly what "public assemblies" I'd participated in without a permit, but given the dates on the letter and that this is the Bedok police division, I'm going to hazard a guess as to which "incidents" they're talking about...

1. When I sat quietly with three other friends outside Changi Prison the night before Abdul Kahar Othman was hanged.

2. When we took these photos. (We literally posed for the photos, then left. Zero disruption to anybody.)

If you need some background on the state of freedom of assembly in Singapore, here you go:

Wed Jun 15 06:16:59 +0000 2022