Jasper Polak

McKinsey makes $500,000+ on a single presentation.

You can learn their simple framework below (for free):

The secret? Story, flow, and structured arguments.

Every fresh analyst is taught this blueprint:
• Introduction & context on one slide
• Always lead with the conclusion
• Pyramid argument structure
• Title storyline & slide flow

Let's break it down, so you can apply it too:

Set the stage by using the SCQA framework.

Situation: what's the current state?
Complication: what needs to change?
Question: how can you solve the complication?
Answer: this one deserves it's own slide, up next.

This tells your audience WHY they should read on.

Example: https://t.co/dmgQr7kAiR

Next, lead with your answer.

Put your conclusion out there, and let people digest it.

Explain WHY this is the answer later on.

Example: https://t.co/Ucq7CkIqvo

Break down your answer using the Pyramid principle

• Back your conclusion with 3-5 key arguments
• Support your arguments with findings & data
• 1 argument per slide, drive your point home
• Nothing overlaps, nothing is missing
• "Nice to haves" go in the appendix

Example: https://t.co/mQV4BSA9e5

All slide titles combine to tell the storyline.

A busy executive only scans the titles.

Will they get your point?

A great slide title:
• Presents the slides' takeaway
• Clearly makes the main argument
• Answers why the audience should care - "So what?"

Example: https://t.co/7CumbEHISX

The slide content explains & supports the title.

You've made your point in the title, now support it:
• Explain how your data leads to the takeaway
• Show supporting data & findings
• Give context to the argument

Example: https://t.co/AdVFtlEnai

Bookmark this thread as cheat sheet for your next presentation:

• Set the stage
• Provide context
• Lead with the answer
• Let the titles tell the story
• Break your arguments down
• Create slides that support the title

That's how you make complex topics easy to digest.

Let's put this thread's core ideas to the test:

• Started with context & the answer
• The first line of each Tweet tells the overall story
• The rest of each Tweet explains & supports the title

Check to see if I passed!

Thanks for reading!

If you found this valuable, join my mission to bring effective project management to tech SMBs.

Follow me @polak_jasper as I share the tactics, soft skills & frameworks you need.

Want to make my day? Retweet the 1st tweet. 🙏

Let’s put the concept to the test!

Do the titles tell the story? https://t.co/rkVX5hzVyR

Sun Jul 24 14:20:17 +0000 2022