Buttered Jorts (fka kelly jensen) ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿฐ

Okay, y'all. This is going to be very important.

If you work in public education at all, get protected right now. Lock down. Remove all your personal info.

Do the same if you're in libraries.

Build your PLNs on Slack/Discord/Private groups.

Why? ๐Ÿงต

This individual is who is responsible for the CRT panic. Now, it's the gay agenda in schools, starting tomorrow.

Do not take this lightly or ignore it. This is real, this happens as planned, and this is what is next. What we've seen so far is child's play. https://t.co/jH07unM3P3

Moms and similar groups have not driven the gender ideology narrative in public ed as much as other groups have...yet. Now they will put much much more effort (and money--remember these folks have a limitless well of it) into this very thing.

I've showed you their stuff already. This is about to be the driving story across news cycles, and they will get it plenty wrong. https://t.co/3BpRcPhMdl

The gr00mer discourse is about to get a lot louder and uglier. If you thought it was bad, that was just the start.

I'm reemphasizing this: the misinformation campaign about to be launched is going to make this fight a lot uglier, louder, and deadly--no exaggeration--than it already is.

This is another way that the public education system is going to be shaken, end goal = destroyed.

It worked with CRT.

Now, it's gender.

I don't tell you this to exaggerate. It's here, but it's Really Coming. https://t.co/Q9wbT0f2ME

They will be connecting comprehensive sex ed with gr00ming, with gender, with this.

And now it's being disseminated across the "parental rights" FB groups. You can see the folks drawing all of the lines I said they'd draw. https://t.co/nwz9W1IIz8

Thu Jul 21 14:56:25 +0000 2022